pil pil
Christen Olesen Flansted [11502]
Else Christensdatter [11503]
(ca. 1810-)
Christoffer Jensen [619]
Maren Andersdatter Sigshøj [27929]
Christen Christensen [11501]
Ane Jensine Christoffersen [1994]
Ole Martinus Christensen [11509]



1. Emma Siglin [11510]

Ole Martinus Christensen [11509] 1598

  • Født: 19 Mar. 1873, Skjoldborg, Hundborg, Thisted, Danmark 1598
  • Dåb: 14 Apr. 1873, Skjoldborg, Hundborg, Thisted, Danmark
  • Ægteskab (1): Emma Siglin [11510] den 25 Dec. 1906 i Alta, Buena Vista, Iowa, United States 1598
  • Død: 15 Nov. 1915, Alta, Buena Vista, Iowa, United States
  • Begravet: 17 Nov. 1915, Woodlawn Cemetery, Alta, Buena Vista, Iowa, United States 4890

punkttegn  Notater:

Martin Christensen Passed Away at Home of G. Z. Davenport Monday, November 15, 1915

Although it was generally known that Martin Christensen was in a serious condition, yet no one imagined that he would be called away so soon. On account of failing health he was obliged to give up farming. Accordingly, a public sale was held at his farm thirteen miles north of town town, Tuesday, Nov. 9, and on Thursday the following the family came to town to the home of Mr. Christensen's sister Mrs. G. Z. Davenport, where they were staying until they could get settled in the house they had rented in the southwest part of town. He had not seemed worse than usual until Sunday when he had several sinking spells. He eventually grew weaker until Monday morning about 4:00 when the end came. Mr. Christensen had always been a robust, athletic man until the last few months. His sickness began last March with an affliction of the eyes which was perhaps but an indication of some other trouble. The immediate cause of death was Bright's Disease, complicated by heart trouble.

Many friends and neighbors attended the funeral services which were held at the Presbyterian church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. J. J. DePree of Sioux City, who also officiated at the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Christensen, assisted by Rev. Geo. M. West, had charge of the services. Mr. Christensen was born to his last resting place in Woodlawn cemetery by C. A. Van Buskirk, N. A. Christensen, Henry Bensene, Gus Lund, Frank Cottew and Adel Benson. At the cemetery the burial service was in charge of the Woodman of which order Mr. Christensen was a member. L. E. Yerington of Storm Lake delivered the burial address. Mr. Christensen was comparatively a young man, just in the prime of life. Much sympathy has been expressed for his bereaved family.

Relatives and friends from out of town who attended the funeral services are Lars Christensen and wife of Storm Lake, Jim Christensen and wife, Lars Larson and wife and Miss Emma Larsen of Newell; John Gregg of Postville, Iowa; Geo. McAndrews and wife and Miss Laura, Ed Kohlhagen and wife, Nels Siglin and wife, Bert Siglin and wife and Wesley Siglin of Aurelia; and Mrs. Roland of Alcester, South Dakota.

Martin Olaf Christensen was born March 19, 1873 in Skjolborg, Denmark, and died at Alta, Iowa, November 15, 1915, age 42 years, 7 months and 26 days. In 1878 when he was five years old, he came to America with his parents and the family located at Chebanse, Illinois, where they lived two years. In 1880 they came to Alta where he has since resided. December 25, 1906, he was married to Miss Emma Siglin of Alta. Three children were born to them, one dying in infancy. Three years ago he moved to his farm north of Alta, only leaving there last week. He leaves his wife and two children, his father Chris Christensen, both of Alta, and two sisters, Mrs. Peter Iverson of Windom, Minnesota, and Mrs. G. Z. Davenport.

To the kind friends and neighbors who have been with us in our time of sorrow, and who have done so much to help and comfort, to those who gave the beautiful floral tokens, those who assisted with the music, those who gave us the use of their cars and to the Woodman, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks.----Mrs. M. O. Christensen and family and brothers and sisters.

Burial: Woodlawn Cemetery , Alta, Buena Vista County, Iowa, USA
Created by: Sheryl


punkttegn  Om Ole

1. Udvandring: Emigrated: 1878 with parents and three siblings to Illinois.


Ole blev gift med Emma Siglin [11510] [MRIN: 4060] den 25 Dec. 1906 i Alta, Buena Vista, Iowa, United States.1598 (Emma Siglin [11510] blev født den 20 Nov. 1890 i USA, døde den 19 Mar. 1956 i Alta, Buena Vista, Iowa, United States og blev begravet i Woodlawn Cemetery, Alta, Buena Vista, Iowa, United States 4891.)

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