Niels Enevoldsen [19253]
- Født: 28 Jan. 1844, Skjoldborg, Hundborg, Thisted, Danmark 10941
- Dåb: 11 Feb. 1844, Skjoldborg, Hundborg, Thisted, Danmark
- Ægteskab (1): Mariane Christensen [19254] den 5 Aug. 1866 i Skjoldborg, Hundborg, Thisted, Danmark 1599
- Død: 31 Okt. 1906, Dry Creek, Pierce, Howard, Nebraska, USA.
- Begravet: 1906, Loup Fork Cemetery, Boelus, Howard County, Nebraska, USA
From Peder S. Pedersen book: Early in the spring of 1871, two of Father's cousins, Anders Paulsen, a young single man who had been living with his father a half mile from our home, and Niels Enevoldsen, a young married man, left Denmark for Chicago, where they expected to find plenty of work. They were both good carpenters and this was just a few months after the big Chicago fire in October 1871. Niels Enevoldsen went alone leaving his wife and three children, Enevold about six years, Christine four, and Christen two. Another little girl was born a few months after Mr. Enevoldsen left. The family lived on a small farm a mile and a half from us.
Compendium of History, Reminiscence & Biography of NEBRASKA NELS ENVOLDSE N . (Deceased.) The gentleman above mentioned, now deceased, and was for many years a well-known and highly respected citizen of Howard County. He was born In Denmark on January 28, 1843, and grew up there, learning the carpenter's trade When a mere boy, and following the work up to the time he left his native land, which was in 1872. Mr. Envoldsen was married in Denmark when he became twenty-one years of age, to Mariane Christensen. And they made their native village their home for the following eleven years, when the family, consisting of husband, wife and four children, took passage on an emigrant ship for America, They landed in New York without mishap excepting for along and tedious journey, coming directly west to Nebraska and locating in Howard County, where the father homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres of land on se ction twelve, township thirteen. Range twelve, Here they started in a very modest way, trying ha r d to improve the farm and build up a good home, and succeeded splendidly. The family saw many hard times - familiar to all those who went through pioneer years in the region, but s tuck to their homestead through all the discouragements that fell to their lo t, eventually accumulating a comfortable property. All together they made the original claim their home up to the time of the father's death, which occurred on October 31, 1907. Since then Management of the place has devolved upon his widow and children, Mr s, Envoldsen has been kept very busy In carrying on the farm. She is now seventy-two years of age and has given up active work, allowing her four children to take the burden of management of the estate from her shoulder s, although she still is the actual head, She is a remarkably sprightly and well preserved woman, Her children are all married, have comfortable homes, near the old place, And are greatly esteemed by their associates. In the death of Mr, Envoldsen, Howard County lost one of its foremost pioneers, who by his energy, thrift and good example, was a n important
Om Niels
1. Folketælling: Thisted, Hundborg, Skjoldborg, Aas, En gaard, 115, FT-1855, D5531, 1855, Skjoldborg, Hundborg, Thisted, Danmark.
2. Folketælling: Thisted, Hundborg, Skjoldborg, Nørre Skjoldborg By, Et huus, 79, FT-1870, D5543, 1870, Skjoldborg, Hundborg, Thisted, Danmark.
Niels blev gift med Mariane Christensen [19254] [MRIN: 6820], datter af Christen Pedersen Bundgaard [19462] og Inger Larsdatter [19463], den 5 Aug. 1866 i Skjoldborg, Hundborg, Thisted, Danmark.1599 (Mariane Christensen [19254] blev født den 1 Jan. 1842 i Stagstrup, Hassing, Thisted, Danmark 10942, dåb den 22 Jan. 1842 i Stagstrup, Hassing, Thisted, Danmark og døde den 27 Jun. 1934 i Dry Creek, Pierce, Howard, Nebraska, USA..)
Om Niels og Mariane
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