Ernst Rothe [70374]
Ebba Sophie Sørensen [70375]
Tyge Ernst Rothe [70373]



1. Anna-Lise Balsløw [48988]

Tyge Ernst Rothe [70373]

  • Født: 29 Apr. 1908, København Vor Frue, Sokkelund, København, Danmark "Domkirke"
  • Dåb: 21 Jun. 1909, København Vor Frue, Sokkelund, København, Danmark "Domkirke" 32151
  • Ægteskab (1): Anna-Lise Balsløw [48988] den 7 Okt. 1959 i New York City, New York, United States
  • Død: 23 Mar. 2004, Greenwich, Connecticut, United States

punkttegn  Notater:

16 Des 1943, New York, United States Become citizen of United States

New York Times January 25, 1976, Page 50
Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Mark Eberhart of New Yogk have announced the entagement of their daughter, Nancy Louise Eberhart, to
Ernst Rothe, son of Tyge Ernst Rothe of Greenwich, Conn., and Espergaerde, Denmark, and the late Delight Hall Rothe.

Mr. Rothe, who has been married previously and divorced, graduated from the Hotchkiss School and Brown University and served as a Navy lieutenant

Mr. Rothe is assistant vice president for Latin-American sales with Moller & Rothe Inc., an international export company of which his father is president.


Tyge blev gift med Anna-Lise Balsløw [48988] [MRIN: 30698], datter af Poul Viggo Lintrup Balsløw [48984] og Edel Agnethe Køhler Larsen [48985], den 7 Okt. 1959 i New York City, New York, United States. (Anna-Lise Balsløw [48988] blev født den 7 Maj 1931 i Kalundborg Vor Frue, Ars, Holbæk, Danmark, dåb den 5 Jul. 1931 i Kalundborg Vor Frue, Ars, Holbæk, Danmark 32150 og døde den 21 Jul. 2023 i Greenwich, Connecticut, United States.)

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