Orval Christopher Christensen [11554]
- Født: 10 Mar. 1908, Iowa, United States
- Død: 7 Mar. 1945, Newell, Buena Vista, Iowa, United States
- Begravet: 1945, Newport Beach, Orange, California, United States 4915
Orval Christensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Christensen was born March 10, 1908 at Newell, Iowa. He was baptised and confirmed in the Danish Lutheran church. He died March 7, 1945 as a result of a truck-train crash at Storm Lake. Survivors in his parents, James and Mary Larsen Christensen; two brothers, Clarence Christensen of Newell and Alvin Christensen of Brandt, South Dakota; six sisters, Carrie Christensen and Agnes Petersen of Newell, Loverne Clark of Los Angeles, Myrtle Hohl and Anna Garwood of Des Moines and Edna McDonald of Sioux City; also, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins who hold his memory dear. Services were March 12 from the home and from the Danish Lutheran church, Rev. Hakon Jorgensen officiating. Burial was in the Newell cemetery. Pall bearers were Charles Hickman, LeRoy Christensen, Mark Haven, Elvin Johnsen, Peter Larsen and Glen Sanders. (abstract, Newell Mirror, 3-15-1945) Family links: Parents: James E. Christensen (1867 - 1953) Mary Larsen Christensen (1873 - 1950) Burial: Newell Cemetery Newell Buena Vista County Iowa, USA Created by: Sheryl